After 40 years of profession, three Olympic Games, two World Championships in alpine skiing, a World University Rugby championship, a World Championship martial arts and after introduced in Italy the McKenzie method in 1989, the "cryosauna whole body" in 2004, the "Kinesiotaping" in 1998, of which I was Head Instructor Europe, in Italy, Europe, Middle East, Africa and India, and the "MeridiLine" in 2008, set of methods for the welfare of the human being, including the evaluation of the meridians through the movement and treatment through stimulation of certain acupuncture points and massage on body areas covered by the meridians. Two common people, two friends, Roberto and Rinaldo, they have opened to me a new world, "the Keope World".
I consider myself lucky, caring, and open to the new without prejudice. The first time I heard of Keope was by a traumatized friend who told me about the benefits received by “Keope”. Shortly after I had a chance to try KEOPE GPR for a week every day. Later I used with patients, athletes, ordinary people, noting improvement in posture, gait, reducing fatigue, prevention of sport injuries, stress etc.
The desire to learn more led me to Sirtori (Lecco - Italy) where I had the opportunity, in the Research center, to know Prof. Amedeo Maffei (psychologist from multiple knowledge and skills: music, mechanics, electronics, etc.) that invented Keope, an Italian excellence for the welfare of the human being, knowledge of Maffei and his thought brings me to start a new career path to the future.
With Keope, you can see and feel, from the first session the improvement of your condition, it is measurable and repeatable. This measurability and repeatability effects of “Keope” has attracted countless doctors and world-renowned scientists to start scientific research free in prestigious scientific institutes, and will shortly be published on PubMed.
Part of my professional life and membership was and is in direction to the sharing and dissemination of new therapeutic, scientific and entrepreneurial to open-minded physiotherapists and others so that they can give comfort to their patients / clients and benefit entrepreneurially.
I am available to associations, centers, sports clubs for short presentations and workshops during congresses, conferences and meetings, at regional, national and international level, for a first approach to the world of Keope and to organize further individual and groups visits and / or courses to the Research Centre "Psycho Neuro Physiology RESEARCH CENTER Amedeo Maffei" of Sirtori (Italy), where you will open the doors to the future.
June 16, 2015
Cosimo BRUNO
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